Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday Cake-o-rama

Happy Birthday to me!

A week ago I turned 30. To celebrate what else could I do but BAKE CAKE?
Instead of going traditional I got a little wild and crazy.

Top Left: chocolate cupcakes with custom dyed frosting
Top Right: white confetti cake balls dipped in chocolate
Bottom Left: chocolate cupcake cones
Bottom Right: strawberry pops cake cookies w/ cream cheese frosting

On a scale of 1-10....

Cupcakes (8) moist, fluffy and fun... even made a 2 year old cry when she couldn't have more.

Cake Balls (9) friends endearingly called them "the Devil" for their ridiculous addictive-ness.
Still need to figure out my dipping technique so they can be consistently "pretty."

Cones (3) the cones absorbed all the moisture out of the cake which made the cake dry and
the cones soggy. FAIL. Kiddos didn't seem to mind though.

Pops (6) TASTY but overscaled and unevenly cooked. Next time... smaller cookies & sticks

Fun (11)

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