A dear friend of mine asked me to do a cake for her daughter's 4th birthday. The party had a barnyard theme based on the show Word World. After tossing around several ideas we decided pig cupcakes would be perfect. The birthday girl ADORES the color pink, pigs, and cupcakes so it seemed the perfect recipe.
This is the first decoration based project I've done. Luckily, the concept seemed pretty simple so I felt brave enough to give it a try!
Supply List:
- Cupcakes with pink frosting
- Strawberry Marshmallows for the Snout and Ears
- Candy Eyes
- Food Coloring Pens
#1) Frosted cupcakes. I used a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting tinted light pink and a chocolate cake with white frosting tinted hot pink.

#2) Snouts. I used a pizza cutter to slice each strawberry marshmallow in half. I placed the sticky side down into the cupcake icing and drew on the nostrils with a large red oval and small black oval inside the red using the food coloring markers.

#3) Eyes. I opted for the easy way out when I found candy eyes at Michael's in the cake decorating section. SCORE!!! I loved that they weren't perfect. Some looked googly eyed. Some looked away into the distance. And some looked like dear in the headlights. Very fun!

#4) Ears. This was probably the most difficult part to figure out a method for. But, I conquered!!! I used the pizza cutter to slice a marshmallow in half. Then I folded the sticky side longways in on itself until it kind of looked like lips. It made the ends come to a natural point. Then, I flipped it over to the smooth side and sliced through the middle. When I stood each half up the sticky side started pulling apart creating a triangle shape for the ears.
#5) Repeat... 47 times (or however many you need!) Here are a few lovelies from my heard 'o pigs. (My favorite is the 2nd one down on the left! The eyes crack me up.)

I am so happy with the way these turned out! Lots of fun. Happy Birthday, Jules!!!