This is the first decoration based project I've done. Luckily, the concept seemed pretty simple so I felt brave enough to give it a try!
Supply List:
- Cupcakes with pink frosting
- Strawberry Marshmallows for the Snout and Ears
- Candy Eyes
- Food Coloring Pens
#1) Frosted cupcakes. I used a strawberry cake with cream cheese frosting tinted light pink and a chocolate cake with white frosting tinted hot pink.
#2) Snouts. I used a pizza cutter to slice each strawberry marshmallow in half. I placed the sticky side down into the cupcake icing and drew on the nostrils with a large red oval and small black oval inside the red using the food coloring markers.
#3) Eyes. I opted for the easy way out when I found candy eyes at Michael's in the cake decorating section. SCORE!!! I loved that they weren't perfect. Some looked googly eyed. Some looked away into the distance. And some looked like dear in the headlights. Very fun!

#4) Ears. This was probably the most difficult part to figure out a method for. But, I conquered!!! I used the pizza cutter to slice a marshmallow in half. Then I folded the sticky side longways in on itself until it kind of looked like lips. It made the ends come to a natural point. Then, I flipped it over to the smooth side and sliced through the middle. When I stood each half up the sticky side started pulling apart creating a triangle shape for the ears.
#5) Repeat... 47 times (or however many you need!) Here are a few lovelies from my heard 'o pigs. (My favorite is the 2nd one down on the left! The eyes crack me up.)

I am so happy with the way these turned out! Lots of fun. Happy Birthday, Jules!!!